Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Entry #3

The first term test carried out this week. I went over all the class notes, quizzes, tutorial problems, and past paper. Even though I was nervous, I felt not that bad when I came out of exam center. This year test was pretty much like last year’s, and they all had same structures and questions. Fortunately, I did past term test twice. Everything went smoothly, and I had enough time to check my answers.

Speaking of this week‘s lecture material, we started a new topic this week: proof. The first proof was a limit proof. Danny showed the steps of proof on the graph. It was very clear and interesting. Even though it was a little challenge, it was very interesting.

I did not get the structure of proof at the beginning; however I tried to remember how it worked. When I went over the notes, I finally knew the reason why universal quantifier implication’s proof should have the structure as following:

Assume # x is generic
    Assume antecedent

        then consequence
    then antecedent implies consequence
then for all x, antecedent implies consequence

Indentation helped us to have clear picture of assumption, and under which world we were working in. I had more confidence in proof. 

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